I definitely had an 'Us & Them' mentality when I first became a Christian. I was now 'in' and everyone else was 'out.' I was excited to have a group of people that I could call friends who I had the most important thing in common with. The relationship with my boyfriend of 3 years came to a screeching halt with my new faith. He had heard the salvation message before and just wasn't interested, and I was convicted that our relationship couldn't go backwards and be pure again. God definitely had His hand on me when he led me to a Bible camp for the summer - a different one than I had applied to - a camp aligned with my new beliefs. At this camp I learned that Christians shouldn't dance, so we had a band come play and called it a concert (where everyone danced). And the only music that was allowed on the campgrounds was music on a Christian label, resulting in the first time I trashed all my 'nasty secular music'. I probably would have gotten rid of all my Iron Maiden cassettes anyway. I went back to Bemidji for another year in the fall of 1990, with a promise ring on my finger. I had met Micheal at camp and two years later we were married.
I remember times we threw out more secular music (not selling it because then someone else might be corrupted by it) and other decisions we made based on what we thought a Christian ought to do. We choose our church family by listening to rumors and stereotypes of certain denominations. We knew we couldn't be mainline, that's where I came from and I never heard the Gospel. Sure I could have quoted different creeds and the ten commandments and I knew enough to get confirmed, but I didn't know about relationship. We didn't want to be made to speak in tongues or anything else that seemed too strange.
Now I find myself re-evaluating again. I know there are definite right & wrongs, but I think the should & shouldn't areas are grayer that I ever realized. What is okay for me may not be okay for someone else. Is something making you sin? Get rid of it. Has it become an idol? Throw it out. Do you use it to comfort yourself? Is it temporary? What does God think about it? How does it apply to your life? Does it impede or enhance your relationship with Jesus? All this & more to consider.... Here's to 18 more years!
Hey, friend! I could say almost the exact thing you said at the start of this blog - I was a Christian already, but not walking at all - so on the floor of my dorm room my freshman year (having already talked a long time to my friendly neighborhood Campus Crusade person!) I too, wept and rededicated my life to God. Good times, eh?
Have you heard the lyrics to the song by Philips, Craig, & Dean... "Would you love Jesus more?" It is worth looking up and listening to... I am so glad you are a follower of Christ. Keep shining your light!
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